Saturday, May 14, 2016


This is a great invention. Mosquitoes are the bane of our existence around our house. We can have a perfectly bug free afternoon but as soon as the sun dips below the hill, out they droves.  They say that mosquitoes can smell your body sweat and hone right in where you are sitting. Those pesky little creatures that cause days of itching have finally met their match.  These quarter-sized patches are ideal to put on your clothes to deter those buggers from taking a drink of blood.  My husband is taking them to work because he works on the highways and gets in all kinds of buggy situations. I like it that you can stick one on your hat when you're golfing, on chairs or tables, and even on the skin.  I like the smell of eucalyptus and that, along with lavender and peppermint disguise the citronella scent that some people don't like.  We also have a band and when we play at a lakeside or the riverside they will certainly keep us playing and not slapping!

I received this product at a discount in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.

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