Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Tongue Tied

Boy, is mine ever loose. I have tried to bind it but as soon as I declare it, it shakes loose and all kinds of things come out that I regret later. Why is that?

Oh, remorse!

How many fires did I start yesterday and it'll take a week to put them out! I don't know. James is right. Paul is right. The Word is right.

Woe is me! I am a woman of unclean lips!

Judgement begins in the heart so my heart must need to be purged too.

Oh Lord, I need your mercy. Expand my heart so that I may have compassion as you have had on me! In Jesus Name, Amen!

There, that's done! Oh what a blessed relief it is to know that God forgives as soon as I repent. The apologies are on the way and I can go back to doing His will this day!

What a wonderful evening we had, all the same. The local park had a live band concert under a pavilion. The crisp evening air mingled with notes and words, community and children's laughter. All ages participated in listening and eating.

Every town should have this event once a week. People surround themselves with the beauty of the earth, breath in the fresh air and the green of summer.

Such a pleasant time to keep in my memory when the falls leaves drift or the snowy cold ices over the river.

The park setting reminded me of all the novels that had the town park scene. I could picture the heroines and heroes as they enjoyed the barber shop trio or the mayor stepping up to the microphone with his little hat announcing the 4th of July festivities.

I think of Judy Garland in the Wizard praying "There's no place like home."

It's the warm memory fuzzies that help us to enjoy this life. It's also the meeting of people and sharing celebrations.

I had a blast. Thank you, God.


Brigitte said...

Why is that?? Cause you are human.

Soul Reflections said...

You're such and encourager, Spookie. Thanks.

gail said...

Debra ,going to the park, through the rose garden, to the band pavilion, brings back some lovely memories as a child with my parents.Thanks