Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Like a Flood...

Hey guys! We're stranded in New York State. Even though I'm on a hill, it's become an island. We had over 6 inches of rain last night and expect 1-3 more today. Our rivers are at least 10 feet over flood stage and small dams are failing.

My mom, sister and her friend were stranded at a gas station all night and they finally made it to my house this morning. I had to go get my grandchildren this morning so that their mom could go sort the mail. They won't be delivering today though.

When I woke up this morning, I thought 'Lord, what can I do in this situation?' I had ideas of taking cookies to the fire station or highway shed but they're surrounded by water, too.

So the Lord brought my family to me. I don't know how long they'll be here because the roads are washed out and the bridges, too.

I am thankful that I don't live in the valley but on the mountains there can be danger, too. Trees and logs have washed down the roads, clogging sluices and making the water find another course. All kinds of debris has floated down. The water has undermined the road edgings and in some places popped the blacktop up in the air.

I can't get to anyplace to take better pictures, but as I can get out, I'll pass them along.

Thanks for your prayers. The east coast has been devastated and it wasn't even a hurricane that did it.

But I know that in all things, God is still God. He watches over us and protects us.

This too shall pass.


Brigitte said...

Prayers for you and your family Debs. I am sure all will be restored through Jesus.

Soul Reflections said...

Thanks. You're a dear.

Tammie said...

Yeah it's pretty bad. 6 people have died. My friend lost her home. I'm lucky that I'm on a hill. If you go to my blogger profile and click on the blog called "" there are pictures posted of some of the flooding.

Bonnie S. Calhoun said...

I gotta teach you how to take pictures without personal body parts in them!...LOL