Thursday, March 23, 2006

What is stranger than fiction?

I pondered this question today.

Stanger than fiction is...

...when the truth is wrong.
...that I pay taxes on something that has already been taxed again and again and again.
...when I had a real mind moment with my dog. We were thinking the exact same thing at the exact same moment.
...that my shoe size is a 6, dress size a 6, pant size an 8, shirt size a small, hat size 6 7/8. Who comes up with these numbers?
...the name Faith and faith can mean a person's name and a belief. Is a person named that because they have a belief? Or is a belief because of a person named the same?
...that cats talk to their prey when they think the prey can't see or hear them, especially through a window and their tail slaps the glass.
...that all musical instruments have the same notes...but you have to play them all differently to get the same note.
...that we're all worried about the depletion of our forestry all over the world but I get at least one credit card offer a day with three or four pieces of paper inside and a return envelope. Where's the conservation in that?
...when I clean out my closets to make room and then go buy more clothes because I don't have anything to wear. (not me)
...that I order bridal gowns from China, sell them on Ebay and then they are sent back over to Asia. What gives?
...that a word can never be used once.
...that we breathe the exact same air that's been here since the beginning of time. Where else would it come from?
...that the same water I drink today will return to the earth (in some form) to be recycled for future generations.
...that as I think about these things, someone else somewhere has thought the same.

1 comment:

Bonnie S. Calhoun said...

You need a day's called too much time on your hands...STOP THINKING!