Thursday, March 30, 2006

Thirty Days Hast September, April......?

Last fall we purchased hanging flip 2006 calendars for our congregation.

As we were filling in the days and scheduling speakers, we got to April and discovered, not only that April didn't have the 30th but that 31 was in its place!

The most amazing thing was that when we called the calendar company, they told me they would reprint them.

HELLO! It's the end of March! And HOW LONG will it take you to print them? Could we possibly have them by June so that the rest of the year would be correct?

Finally, they settle for giving us a discount on next year's order.

Now...what will I do when the 29th is over?


Bonnie S. Calhoun said...

It's a'll be at curch on Sunday...just pretend.

You are probably the only one who noticed...Pastor saw it after you pointed it out. I had to go flip the page and look, or I'd have never noticed it.

Since I don't work on Sunday, it would have never registered to me...LOL!

Soul Reflections said...

Pastor saw it FIRST. Let's get that straight.