When life is messy and you write essays, you get “messays” (messy + essay = messay). In Pamela Capone’s collection of personal, stand-alone stories, you will not only be entertained by her colloquial, quirky style, but surprised by the truths revealed. Putting her “quirk to work,” she blends humor and depth. This easy, transparent read will appeal to anyone looking for a little pick-me-up in their downtime.
Key themes are seizing the day, humanity, grace, faith and messages from a higher power. Many of her true-life stories are downright hilarious, and yet even in the humor, she reveals piercingly poignant truths with fresh insight. Mostly, her stories are about discovering self-understanding in the nonsense, epiphanies in unexpected places, and redemption in everyday life. Revelation from above can come in many ways—a gardener’s humble truck, a seat over-lapper on a plane, a subway musician, a little boy who needs his button buttoned, even a self-inflicted black eye. If you dig a little in an average day, you too can find the golden nugget— and don’t we all need that?
My Note:
Pamela has written down most of her personal experiences with life that we tend to overlook and she has found the 'nuggets' within each situation. She has the ability to laugh at herself so that we can also laugh alongside of her because of the recognition of ourselves in her stories. She blends laughter along with a greater insight into how God works within ourselves and situations in the world. We just need to look for Him in all we do. A great read for yourself or to share in bible studies. Debra Brand
In her new book, LA-based actress and author Pam Capone shares witty essays while healing from self-inflicted black eye “Rather than dwelling on misery and mishaps, the collection calls attention to the glimmers of hope and humor that lie in life’s challenging moments. An upbeat, honest celebration of imperfection that makes a compelling case for the power of accepting oneself, warts and all.”
Kirkus Reviews
“Even when cracking jokes, Capone is gentle, often poking fun at herself for small offenses fed by insensitivity. Though many vignettes also deal with serious . . . subjects, the majority cast [Capone’s] life in a humorous light. Easily read in a series of short sittings, or in one long one, this collection of short short essays easily punches above its weight.” Foreword Clarion Reviews
(Nashville, TN) August 10, 2016-- Los Angeles-based actress and author
Pamela Capone has penned her second book,
I Punched Myself in the Eye, recounting true moments in her life that have made her who she is. From childhood drama to working with impoverished girls in Guatemala to casting-call nightmares and raising a family that is entertaining in its own right, Capone weaves humor and insight with nuggets of inspiration and truth, leaving readers uplifted in a way that few books do.
Born in the heart of Los Angeles, Capone was the youngest of nine children orphaned by their biological parents. Taken in by her foster parents at 18 months old, to this day Capone considers herself a rescue, and her adoptive parents, heroes.
“My goal in writing
I Punched Myself in the Eye is and was to help people see that it’s often the small, unnoticed moments that pack the biggest punch, and to give meaning to the minutiae. I like to make people smile, laugh out loud and yeah, even cry, because, to me, those are the moments that sustain us,” says Capone. “A friend whose wife recently passed away from a three-year battle with brain cancer told me that he belly-laughed for the first time since before her diagnosis. For me, that was priceless.” Capone has coined her real-life stories (including her tale of the morning she woke up with a self-inflicted black eye) “messays.” These entertaining, adventurous, often downright hilarious, and always piercingly poignant reflections deliver simple truths with fresh insight and plenty of

Pamela Capone is the author of
I Punched Myself in the Eye, which was released in 2015 and follows her debut title,
The Little Girl Within: Overcoming Memories of Childhood Abuse and Abandonment. Capone lives in Southern California with her husband, John. Together they have two children and one grandpup. To learn more about Pamela, visit
www.pamelacapone.com. For more information about her book or to purchase a copy:
www.ipunchedmyselfintheeye.com. Connect with Pamela and follow her adventures on Twitter
@personalmessays or on Instagram
Pamela’s website:
Book Website:
Reviews for I Punched Myself in the Eye
“Pamela Capone must be a riot at parties. She can turn the most mundane details of a day into witty poetry, and find a way to connect it all to God’s higher plan for us. From the mini-essays in this collection, it is clear that Pam is the kind of woman you’d want in your corner when you’re in trouble to say just the right thing and help you laugh along the way...Some details of Pam’s life are repeated motifs—her adoption into an Italian-American family at a young age, her children, her charity work—but her voice, rather than her situations, really drive the stories.”
“Messages of faith sprinkled throughout will appeal to readers with connections to the Christian tradition, but they’re handled with subtlety, so readers of other persuasions can still enjoy the work....Capone’s gregarious, approachable voice allows her to deftly handle a broad variety of subjects. Rather than dwelling on misery and mishaps, the collection calls attention to the glimmers of hope and humor that lie in life’s challenging moments. An upbeat, honest celebration of imperfection that makes a compelling case for the power of accepting oneself, warts and all.”
Kirkus Reviews
“Even when cracking jokes, Capone is gentle, often poking fun at herself for small offenses fed by insensitivity. As the book progresses, the author’s personality becomes its primary strength, a situation not unlike a celebrity’s or comedian’s collection, and the author’s experience with stand-up comedy may factor in. Though many vignettes also deal with serious or sad subjects, the majority cast the author’s life in a humorous light. The book’s editorial style engages with wordplay, including puns, and is at its strongest when delivering jokes. I Punched Myself in the Eye is a family-oriented book most likely to appeal to Christians. Easily read in a series of short sittings, or in one long one, this collection of short-short essays easily punches above its weight.”
Foreword Clarion Reviews
“In this engagingly written, faith-based essay collection, Pamela Capone finds the humor and grace in ordinary —and sometimes extraordinary— situations. Capone has coined the term, ‘messay’ for her prose, a combination of ‘messy (informal untidy, embarrassing, difficult)’ and ‘essay.’...More than a few of the essays are poignant and thoughtful, rather than out-and-out funny—albeit handled with Capone’s appealing light touch and conversational style...Adopted at 18 months by her foster parents, after her birth parents were charged with child neglect, Capone writes many of the essays as reverent tributes to the parents who raised her and to her birth siblings, with whom she has a special bond. She also writes about her work at a girls’ school in Guatemala and about helping in Haiti after the 2010 earthquake.”
BlueInk Review
“Any readers out there who need a good belly laugh? Pamela Capone’s latest work, I Punched Myself in the Eye is just the tonic for any reader looking for a fun book to pick up. This is a sparky collection of sketches drawn from everyday life: by turns hilarious, familiar, heartwarming and heart-rending. It’s a book the reader can dip into at leisure, enjoying the bite-sized chapters in any order. This is observational comedy in a very human style, and the readers (be they male or female) will surely find themselves laughing or crying out loud along with the author as she regales us with her witty prose... “Capone’s ability to, as she says herself, ‘admit we don’t have all the answers’ is very endearing, and her willingness to expose her own foibles and shortcomings is something readers will most certainly appreciate. Genuine laugh-out-loud humor is a more and more rare thing to come across in books these days, and the author takes readers back to the era of ‘I Love Lucy’ and the kind of selfless comedy that audiences used to enjoy on a regular basis once upon a time. Effortless writing in the dialogue in every story helps to make this a smooth read, while characterization is rounded, well-observed and vivid...“‘I’m all about carpe diem, I have the tattoo!’ Capone cries out—and on the strength of this well-crafted book that just about sums her up.”
Self-Publishing Review
“A mixture of Erma Bombeck and Barbara Johnson, yet quintessentially Pamela Capone, this collection of personal anecdotes, life lessons, and poignant observations moves the reader from smiles to laughter to tears and all stops in between. Capone’s short essays are told with grace fueled wit that will lift your spirits, stir your heart, and inspire your better self.”
Robyn Henk, author of BLESSED, Discovering God’s Bigger Dream for You
“Stunningly potent! Hilarious! Beware, Pamela Capone’s brilliant ability to seize mundane happenings of life and turn them into humorous relatable, and insightful living will provoke laugh-out-loud moments. Her unexpected honesty and fresh ways to look at life and faith challenged me how I can do likewise. This book is relevant and important for today’s generation.”
Tina Sechrist Randy, co-founder of IMA Guatemala
“In I Punched Myself in the Eye, Capone writes with equal parts humor and heart. She is your funniest friend, the one who’s able to see beyond the sadness, anger, embarrassment, or public humiliation to point out, impishly, the comedy that invariably lies beneath. Her wit is never mean or cheap; rather, she mines every situation to find her own humanity and spirit. Capone uses humor to heal.”
Kirsten Mickelwait, author of Under a Vanilla Moon
“Pamela Capone’s personal ‘messays’ are winsome, brave, honest, real, and hilarious. She has such a unique ability to combine humor, wisdom, and pathos. Page after page, she managed to make me smile, laugh out loud, think, and feel deeply. I Punched Myself in the Eye will capture many hearts and minds, as I see a wide audience for this book. The woman’s a truth teller, and we are wise to listen.”
Dee Eastman, Daniel Plan Director
“I Punched Myself in the Eye is philosophically funny and provides a mature message with mischievous flair. Capone uses puns, idioms, and faux pas with artistic magnetism. Her stories will entertain with simplicity yet challenge the reader to consider living differently based upon her divine encounters with a faithful God.”
Jim McNeff, author of The Spirit Behind Badge 145
“Capone is an entertaining storyteller-come-friend, sitting across the kitchen table with coffee in hand, sharing anecdotes of a day in the life of an ordinary wife, mother, and struggling actress with a sense of humor. Divvied up into easy-to-read vignettes, you’ll chuckle too.”
Janice Mock, author of Not All Bad Comes to Harm You: Observations of a Cancer Survivor
“There are few souls who know how to capture a scene, a feeling of being present in the very moment, in such a way as to make you really believe you were there—or wish you were. Pamela Capone is such an author. In I Punched Myself In the Eye, there is no shortage of moments that can tickle your funny bone, splitting your sides with laughter, and then bring you to tears. She has a gift for evoking feelings (including sadness and joy) in the reader, as well as inspiring one to be a better human being. Her warmth, her wit and wisdom and insight, are found on every page. We see in her words our own frailties, our own struggles, our own human condition. There is a unique ease about the way these stories are woven strand by strand into a tapestry against a wider backdrop of love, vulnerability, strength, and the joy of being alive. I highly recommend this book to all. It may just help you see your own life with new eyes and appreciation.”
Elizabeth Midgley, author of Families Together and Daily Discoveries
“When it comes to good fiction, you expect to be entertained—to laugh, to cry, to be inspired. It’s rare, though, when this happens in a collection of personal essays. In Pamela Capone’s I Punched Myself in the Eye, you’re treated to a collection of experiences that touch on the important things in life. The magic of this book is Capone’s ability to treat you with an often funny, always-spiritual ride with each story. Like Aesop’s Fables, you’ll enjoy a nice story and then realize there’s a profound message hiding underneath. Read this book. A personal change for the better will be the result.”
Michael Sean Marshall, author of A Council of Angels
“I adore Pamela Capone’s sense of humor and regard her as a diamond in the writing industry. Her writings here are relatable and fun-loving. We can all associate with her knee-jerk reactions to everyday interactions with others. After dipping your toes into the refreshing shallow end, stay tuned for more of a reveal of what Pamela is all about. You will be a better person for knowing the whole Pamela Capone. I know I am.”
Terri Green, author of Simple Acts of Kindness
The beloved Mr. Rogers always said children should “look for the helpers” in any kind of tragedy on they might see on the news. I think Pamela Capone is a living Mr. Rogers. Her ability to find The Good will make your viewers sit back and breathe deeply, and search for the good in their own lives.
Libby Kirsch, Emmy award winning reporter and author of the Stella Reynolds Mystery Series