Sunday, July 02, 2006

Sunday Sunday

This is a new day. A fresh opportunity to start over.

May it be friendships, jobs, loved ones or a new life, we've been given mercy to go forward without remorse or regret about the past.

In the northeast, we seem to be able to pick up ourselves faster than those who don't have the resources living within a large city, such as New Orleans.
People in the flooded areas are already cleaning out their basements and houses, seeing what is salvageable and what isn't. Backhoes and plows are removing the mud that had swamped homes, cars and businesses. Huge water tankers are washing down roads and parking lots.

Even Burger King and McDonalds have re-opened with bottled water and port-a-johns. The resilience of the human nature is astounding.

Whatever material loss there is, can be replaced; other than personal momentoes. But even those cannot be wiped out of your mind. Maybe that's why God gave us memories. Everything else can be destroyed by moth and mold.

But the Lord has given us promises. If we hold true to His Son, Jesus, He will see us through everything. We have a bright future, eternity with Him, where there will be no more tears or pain. One day at a time, Sweet Jesus, that's all we're asking from You.

Here is what the sunset looked like last night.
Don't you think it holds the promise of a brighter day today?


Masked Rabbit said...

Love that sunset picture Debra and yes, the promise of a new day is there.

Bonnie S. Calhoun said...

Good post kiddo!

M. C. Pearson said...

Wow. That was beautiful...sunset and post.

Brigitte said...

A beautiful promise in a beautiful sunset. The rain and storms have passed and restoration can begin.