July has gone. Traditional summer has been overwhelmed with the flood and after-effects.
Our town fairs have been cancelled, the parks unusable because of the mud.
But still,life goes on. This isn't the end but a new season.
In the agricultural days, floods were expected. As the rivers receded, they left silt and new fertilizer for the growing fields. A cleansing of the earth that was a preparation of a new time of growth and then harvest.

It's that way with trials and tribulations. We can just sit and wait for the ending or we can ask God, what am I suppose to learn from this? Let me know now so that I can get out of this situation quicker.
Things and circumstances are taken out of our lives. The old ground in our hearts is fertilized by contrition, plowed by brokenness and Spirit planted seeds begin to grow and flourish.
We wait for Your new hope to spring up within these stony hearts. Thanks Lord.
Ooooh and I just learned something new, thankfully.
Remember in the garden, when satan lured Adam and Eve into eating from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil?
Did you ever realize that the Tree of Life was there too? Satan did not want them to eat of that fruit, which would have left them in a perfect state for eternity, before they tasted the tree of knowledge. God, in His perfect wisdom, did not want us to eat of the Tree of Life after we had eaten of the tree of knowledge, which would have left us in a state of sin for eternity. Hence, the banishment from the garden!
How amazing is that?