When is lavender oil not lavender oil? When it isn't processed correctly, pure, and natural. Lavender is one of my favorite essential oils. It's comforting to me and it brings back my memories of the lavender plants that I used to have in my perennial garden.
The properties of lavender are as follows: antidepressant, anti-infectious, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antiparasitic, antirheumatic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, analgesic. These properties, when mixed accurately with a carrier oil, i.e. coconut, almond, will help alleviate the problems associated with disease or sickness.
It is also a favorite fragrance of mine for humidifier diffusers, diffuser necklaces and bracelets and even a mixture to sprinkle on my linens. I love the fresh smells.
This oil is clear and pure. The screw on cap is replaceable with the enclosed eye dropper for precise measuring for your oil blends. The oil has that freshly made scent that comes from pure and natural therapeutic grade processes.
It's a great product that I use all the time.
I received this product for free in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.
Lavender Essential Oil (Kashmir) – 100% Pure & Natural - Therapeutic Grade - Triple Extra Quality Lavender Oil Linalool 31%, Linalyl Acetate 34%, 1 fl oz from New York Biology
Wednesday, August 31, 2016
Monday, August 29, 2016
Don't you just love to wear unique jewelry? People comment on mine all of the time. They may not have ever seen some of the designs I wear and this is one of them.
It caught my eye when I saw a picture of this miniature glass container with dried flowers. It's a simple design and delicate. When I opened the package, I couldn't believe that the glass container was still intact. It has the tiniest cork stopper that I have ever seen, too. It's hanging on a satin cord and you can cut it to the size that you would like for the drop. I'm only five feet tall so the ornament is hanging down to my mid abdomen. Also hanging on the cord are two charms to accessorize the dried star daisy flowers. It's in style to wear organic items and show that you care about the environment. It's also retro back to the sixties and the flower power trend.
I received this item at a discount in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.
Giova ‘Bloom Eternal’ Flower Necklace: Real dried White Star Daisies in a glass globe pendant
It caught my eye when I saw a picture of this miniature glass container with dried flowers. It's a simple design and delicate. When I opened the package, I couldn't believe that the glass container was still intact. It has the tiniest cork stopper that I have ever seen, too. It's hanging on a satin cord and you can cut it to the size that you would like for the drop. I'm only five feet tall so the ornament is hanging down to my mid abdomen. Also hanging on the cord are two charms to accessorize the dried star daisy flowers. It's in style to wear organic items and show that you care about the environment. It's also retro back to the sixties and the flower power trend.
I received this item at a discount in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.
Giova ‘Bloom Eternal’ Flower Necklace: Real dried White Star Daisies in a glass globe pendant

Most essential oils come in bottles without droppers so that you have to use a dropper from your own supply of accessories and continuously clean it before using another oil which can lead to cross-contamination. This bottle comes supplied with an eye dropper that gives good control of the product without waste.
Another name for Tea Tree Oil is Melaleuca. It is used to treat the immune system, muscles and bones, and respiratory system. It is anti-bacterial, antifungal, antifungal, anti-infectious, antiparasitic, antiseptic, antiviral, and immune stimulant.
I suggest that you research the uses of Tea Tree Oil and discover other uses, such as flea, ticks and mosquito repellent.
As with all essential oils, please make sure they are diluted with a carrier oil like fractionated coconut oil, almond oil, or other oil that can dimish the strength. Many oils, if used without a carrier, can cause skin and allergic reactions.
I received this product for free in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.
Tea Tree Oil (Australian) - 100% Pure & Natural - 45% Terpenin-4-ol - Triple Extra Quality Premium Therapeutic Grade - 1 fl oz from New York Biology
#NewYorkBiology #TeaTree #EssentialOil #TopQuality


This garden hose nozzle is unique in the fact that it has a swivel head of 180 degrees. It can't be adjusted for the perfect angle to whatever you are purposing to water. The swivel head even turns back towards yourself if you need an outdoor shower after the beach, being sprayed by a skunk, or whatever other situation where you need to rinse before entering your home or building.
The handle grip is indented to give you fingers a good grip while you are spraying. There is an adjustment knob to turn the pressure more or less. The head adjusts into different spray patterns and turns easily. It is all made from a hard plastic and aluminum so that it won't rust when left out in the weather. There was a washer installed when I opened the package and it comes with four extra washers. I observed no leakage whatsoever from any of the working parts.
There is a green adapter to use on a water bottle so that you can give your plants a nice shower with only the pressure from your hand.
I received this product for free in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.
Garden Hose Nozzle RAAYA Hand Spray Nozzle - Heavy Duty 9 Adjustable Pattern Pistol Grip Back & Front Trigger - 180 degree, High Pressure, Ergonomic, Watering & Cleaning: Car, Lawn, Pets - Best Gift

adjustable nozzle,
Garden hose nozzle,
pistol grip
Thursday, August 25, 2016
What do you do when you are traveling with a baby and they need a place to rest? An infant can't rest well in a car seat and if you place your baby on a bed, you will be nervous to leave them alone fearing that they may fall off and injure themselves.
This is a great solution and its compact design to make it a simple choice that can be easily stored. Its 3 in 1 design had unique features that are shown in the video.
It's a great shower gift or present for a family member about to give birth. But watch out, they may visit you a lot! Goody!
I received this product at a discount in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.
Wednesday, August 24, 2016
Is it mid-week? Why seven days with a middle day? I don't know, but I like it.
Then they came out with the 'hump day' label due to a commercial with camels in the starring role. 'Mike, Mike, Mike' was the key word until everyone was so sick of the label that they moaned just hearing those words. Hump Day was worse that just calling the day Wednesday or mid-week.
I like the sense of a middle day. It marks a half-way point of a week. You notice that there isn't a half-way day in the months that only have 30 days. Either you're in the first half or the second half. That makes me feel out of sorts.
In my job, I'm always working in the week after the week I'm in. That can be confusing when people are asking me about this week and I'm thinking 'that was last week' mode. They think I'm either eccentric or just don't know what day it is.

To me, it defines my deadlines. Mid-week, only a few more days to accomplish all that I need to do. When it's Tuesday, I feel like I have lots of time but Wednesday is another story, and yet, it's only 12 hours later.
Hmmm. I guess I needed to get that understood in my own mind.
Thanks for reading. Please comment kindly!
Tuesday, August 23, 2016
This dress is both. It is an a-line swing type dress made out of a stretchable polyester that moves with your every activity. It's perfect for church, work or that special night out and even a wedding. It can be dressed down casually or 'bling' it up for fun!
The fabric is a little hard to iron out the wrinkles when I removed it from the shipping bag. It says not to tumble dry and to use a low or cool iron but that didn't work for me. I think if it was on air dry in the dryer, without heat, that it may have been a better way to smooth the fabric.
I received this product at a discount in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.
OMONSIM Womens Basic eLong Tunic Top Mini T-shirt Dress Short Sleeve
Friday, August 19, 2016
When you, your husband and family work or play, what do you never have enough of? Vessels for drinks. We are always running out. They get left at work, lost on the playground, or just lost in the house. I got this MAP Therm product because of its size. It holds 32 ounces of liquid, hot or cold. The stainless steel container is easy to clean with the wider mouth and the painted exterior is attractive and scratch resistant. It's a good size to take on a picnic to be able to share with your spouse or kids. The flip top is important to me because I don't like having to unscrew the lid to drink and thereby cooling the hot coffee or tea too much. For storage, the screw on top can be looped onto the bottle and the flip top screwed on. For me, it would be necessary to add a handle for easy carrying with my smaller hands.
I received this product at a discount in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.

I received this product at a discount in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016
When you live in the country, there are times that it is just too dark at night. We've had coyotes, raccoons, fox, and even a bear or two visit our yard. I don't like to have them come near to the house but in case they did, I'd like to be able to see them coming. There were two dark areas around our home but I didn't want lights on all of the time. We got these two LED solar motion lights that worked perfectly for our need. One was put on the corner of the shed where there wasn't any light and the other is by my back door where the bear visited us a few weeks ago. There are different modes for the light to operate but we just wanted the motion mode which was number one. The design goes well with anything, easy to install and super bright. We have visibility as far as 25 feet.
I received this product free in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.
It's embarrassing when your husband asks you if we got another dog because he's found hair all over the bathroom floor. I used to be able to blame it on our old black lab but he's gone and the focus is now on me again. I don't mind because I can clean that very easily with my vacuum. But when it comes to the shower drain, I'm in trouble. My hair is halfway down my back and I shed. I admit it, I shed year round. The drain gets plugged and I can't fix it on my own. So I thought that maybe this product would help to appease my husband from cleaning the hair out of the drain so frequently. My morning shower was a success! The starfish drain cover worked as it should. The little suction cups on the underside kept it from slipping and sliding as I shampooed my hair in the shower. When I got out, I was amazed at the amount of hair that cover was able to prevent going down the drain. It's a keeper!
I received this product at a discount in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.
Tuesday, August 16, 2016
I love specialty glassware and cups. It seems to make the 'atmosphere' of drinking liquids just a bit more distinctive than a normal run-of-the-mill glass or cup. This glass is certainly unique and different. The glass is mouth-blown and looks like two pieces fused into one usable container. By having the double wall, the glass will stay cool to the touch when it's filled with hot liquids and will stay free of condensation from cold liquids. The glass will not leave a white ring on precious wooden surfaces, nor is there a need for a coaster under the glass. It's very elegant and a must have addition to a collection.
I received this product at a discount in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.
It's been a long time since I played golf. In fact, the woods were wooden not metal like today. If we wanted to clean the grooves on our irons, we used a wire brush. Today there are essential tools that every golfer should have. This tool multi-tasks the purpose for your irons. It sharpens and cleans the grooves on the club head so that you get better lift and control of the ball in the swing. There are six different metal prongs that are different widths for cleaning and sharpening the grooves. The handle is metal with crosshatching imprint for a good grip. It's very convenient. You can add a string or band to hang it on the side of your bag or it will easily fit in a bag pocket.
I received this product for free in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.
#TouchOfClassReview #GotItFree

I received this product for free in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.
Anti Cellulite Treatment Massage Oil - All Natural Ingredients - Penetrates Skin 6X Deeper Than Cellulite Cream - Targets Unwanted Fat Tissues & Improves Skin Firmness - 8 OZ from New York Biology

Monday, August 15, 2016
Did you ever have the desire for a cup of tea for a special alone time? I have that craving, too, but I usually only have decaf herbal bag in my cupboard and I yearn for something more. This package of 38 assorted teas is the perfect package to start a tea collection for those times of reflection. This morning I had the decaf Chai to start out my routine. The tea had the chai flavor that I love without all of the caffeine. The assortment has caffeinated teas that my husband prefers. There is a nice selection to choose from especially when you have guests and want to offer them their own preferences.
I received this product at a discount in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.

I received this product for free in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.
Acne Scar Cream from New York Biology - EGF Anti Acne Cream Helps Get Rid of Acne Scars while Hydrating & Regenerating Skin - 1.7 fl oz Acne Scar Cream from New York Biology

Saturday, August 13, 2016
Are you still using traditional white processed bleached flours? Switch! Here is a natural almond flour that is healthier than regular flours and works just as well in recipes. It is full of healthy vitamins and low in fat. There are 14 grams of protein for those of us who don't get enough with our daily food regimen. The flour is finely ground and when you are making a recipe that calls for regular flour be sure to adjust the amount of almond flour in order to keep the consistency that you enjoy. After opening, they recommend refrigeration. Watch the video as I made a smoothie using their recipe. It was yummy!
I received this product for free in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.
When you have cats, you can't have plants. At least with mine, you can't. If I have them in the windows, they knock them down when they are diving for flies that have worked themselves inside. So, I got these small terrarium glass globes to try and fake out my cats. I'm sure they'll investigate, but I'm going to give them a try. I started by taking a tension rod to span my deep window over the kitchen sink. The enclosed twine was used to tie the glass globes in the loops at the top of each terrarium and then I made a loop at the other end. I tried to get them to stop spinning but realized that the twine would continue to twist and just went with where they stopped turning. I added white sand to inside the bottom and continued to add my embellishments. I wanted to add shells for the summer and change with the seasons, but I purchsed the cacti to fill them with for now. They could be filled with battery tea lights, fall and Christmas decorations, too.
I received this product at a discount in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.
Friday, August 12, 2016
There's something about a cup of tea in a unique cup. It makes my day. I always have a distinctive decorative cup on the warmer in my office year round. I have never seen any like this before. When I opened the package, I was afraid that it wouldn't work because it looks so fragile. I decided that I was going to be brave and have a cup of boiled water tea. I poured the water into the cup over the sink just in case of breakage, but I had nothing to fear. The glass did not break or crack even though they need to be treated gently like you would fine crystal. My tea stayed warm to the last drop while I was working at my computer without having to put it on a warming plate. The double walled glass works perfectly as an insulator to prevent the heat escaping. Another thing is, I have a soft wood desk and I get white rings from hot cups that have sat on the finish. As you can see in the pictures, there is no damage to my desk.
I received this product at a discount in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.
Wednesday, August 10, 2016
Who doesn't like to paint? If you don't then maybe you were never allowed to be free in expressing your emotions or trying to duplicate nature. Painting is fun! This paint set has enough colors for you to paint anything you want. You can even mix colors to get a dark green or different hues that what are supplied in this kit. It comes with three paint brushes that are great for adding in details and highlights. The tubes are small but they contain good thick paint. They are sealed but all you do is take off the cap, turn it around because there is a prong inside the cap and insert it into the top of the tube to break the seal. They apply easily to the canvas and other materials such as wood, glass, paper, etc. It's easy to clean the brushes and your hands with soap and water.
I received this product at a discount in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.
I received this product for free in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.
3 Pack Grey Swaddle Wrap Blanket

I received this product at a discount in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.

Tuesday, August 09, 2016
It's not only people who sit all day who are in danger of heart problems because of a sedentary lifestyle. Anyone who stands on their feet all day has the same issues but because they don't rest their feet and elevate their legs. I'm on my feet all day on Sunday and I'm ready for the couch when I get home. My feet are usually killing me. When your feet hurt, your whole body is tired. A great answer for feet that cramp and are weary is these compression socks. They help your feet by compressing the tissues thereby suppressing swelling and spasms. These are very soft and can be mistaken for regular socks but without toes. They are comfortable and can be worn alone or over regular socks so that your tootsies don't get cold.
I received this product at a discount in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.
Is there any help for an aging face that can't afford expensive spa treatments? Yes, there is. Activated charcoal masks are amazing. I've used other charcoal products that are very messy and hard to remove. This product goes on smooth like a clay mask but not gritty like plain charcoal. I let it dry for about 10 minutes. It wasn't too dry to crack but it stayed pliable. I washed it off with a washcloth and some scrubbing to get the residue removed. My skin felt smoother and tighter. I'm sure that as I use it more often, it will make a difference on my large pores and wrinkles.
I received this product at a discount in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.
Am I too old to add color to my hair? I don't know but I see a lot of women with a touch of red or blue at the hair ends. Sometimes I think we go too far with trendy fashions. Since I wouldn't dye my hair any color but a natural one, these glitter pens will work as an accent color when I want one. Then I can just wash it off instead of having to dye over it or cut it off. The pens have a chalk tip like a crayon, and you just color the hair going along the strands in a smooth motion. My hair is dark so the colors aren't as evident as they were on my dog's tail. But his hair is so thin like angel hair that I had a hard time keeping the hair in place to color it. Kids would love these when they are dressing up for fun or for a special occasion.
I received this product at a discount in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.
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