Remember the oldie - "Well, I'm running down the road, tryin' to loosen my load. Got a world of trouble on my mind"?
Here's the chorus line"
"Take It easy, take it easy
Don't let the sound of your own wheels
drive you crazy
Lighten up while you still can
don't even try to understand
Just find a place to make your stand
and take it easy"
It just keeps running through my mind today because of what the Lord has done.
Since my husband has confessed his salvation, I keep waiting for the Glory of God to fall and anoint him with His Holy Spirit.
I haven't yet experienced the euphoria of emotion because of his salvation. I thought bells, whistles and jumping for joy would accompany his testimony. Nope.
My husband is a very quiet man, a man of a few words. Why would I think that God would change his personality? He's the way God made him.
Salvation doesn't change the man, it changes the way the man is.
The Franklin Graham Festival is coming here in June. We have been preparing for this for a year and a half. There are so many training and educational opportunities before this event takes place, that I had a dilemna on how to be able to participate within the event without ruining my marriage.
Now, that Mike is saved, he has been so understanding (another prayer answered).
FG had an upcoming Christian Life and Witness Program starting last night. So I just prayed and left it in God's hands, that I would like to go with Mike. When he came home last night, he asked me what the evening would hold and I told him that I wanted to go and asked if he did too.
Of course, he said no. Said he didn't need it to witness to people. So it started a whole conversation on witnessing. I told him that I hadn't had 'formal' training on witnessing and that I wanted to be able to KNOW the truth so that when I see someone witnessing in the wrong way, I could say that I KNOW the right way.
He didn't say much about that but said that he was happy and had no worries so why go at all.
I said then, what will you say to people who ask you, why are you happy? What is the reason for the hope that you have? He couldn't answer. So I left it at that.
I just got in the shower and left it in God's hands. Next thing I know, he comes in and says "I think I'll go with you. I don't like staying home alone anymore and I'll go and see what it's like."
See, we have to 'take it easy' with our loved ones and leave it in God's Hands. He knows the desires of our hearts and He's blessed me so much that I'm complacent to let Him do it.
For all of you 'unsaved' spouses, take hope and encouragement. Don't expect fireworks when your spouse gets saved. Expect God to do it in His timing and perfectness.
Expect God. Expect Him to save AS HE HAS PROMISED IN HIS WORD.
He won't let you down.
P.S. I hate the term 'unequally yoked'. Everyone is, because no one is on the same level. I love the feeling of being married to a believer, though. I feel like I finally fit in, even though, I already did.
P.P.S.S. Always look at your unsaved loved one as ALREADY SAVED. God does. He knows the ending from the beginning. So must you.